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Certification exam preparation course

Certification exam preparation course

The course is designed for people interested in passing the State Certification Exam of Polish at B1 level.

Classes are taught by teachers with experience in conducting this exam. Students will learn about typical exam assignments and how to solve them. The aim of the course is to supplement students' knowledge with the skills necessary for passing the exam. During the intensive course, all language skills are practiced: listening, reading comprehension, grammar, writing and speech. As part of the course, students also have the opportunity to receive consultations to discuss written work, self-fulfillment of test tasks and individually work out selected questions.

You can sign up for the State Certification Exam in Polish at TOGETHER school - Oficjalny ośrodek egzaminacyjny do przeprowadzania państwowego egzaminu z języka polskiego jako obcego.

For which level:

The preferred language level of the participant of the exam preparation course is B1.
Check your level - our Free Test.

Course duration and program:

The course lasts 4 weeks.
  • Acquaintance with the exam procedure. Discussion of separate parts of written and oral exams, types of tasks.
  • Presentation of an example of the test, acquaintance with the potential problems and the amount of the test material. Identification of students' needs.
  • Hearing comprehension: a set of common tasks, discussion, task verification - work with transcripts.
  • Understanding written text: a set of typical tasks, discussion, conversation development, lexical topics mentioned in the texts.
  • Grammar correctness: selection of questions, exercises that complement the shortcomings of students (present, simple and difficult future time, past time and aspect, imperative, conditional, adjective and adverb, evaluation, selected topics from personal thinking - change by case, preposition  , conjunction  , creation of questions).
  • Writing: presentation of brief forms of functional statements and text editing (congratulations, wishes, announcements, invitations); presentation of longer forms of expression and preparation for independent work on the text - discussion of compositions, stylistic measures (description, argumentative text, story).
  • Speech. Discussion of a set of tasks, strategies and stylistic measures used in the oral exam. Simulation of the oral exam.
  • Checking the test with time measurement.

The price:

850 PLN

Payment methods:

1. School's bank account transfer;
2. By cash, credit or debit card in one of the School’s offices;

How the classes are held:

The State Exam Preparation course will be held three times a week.
The lesson time is set one week before the course starts.


The course takes place online on our razem.co platform


At the end of the course, the student takes the test and receives the corresponding diploma.
Please read the Regulations of our School, before applying to the course.


Schedule of examination sessions for 2024

The State Commission for Certification of Polish as a Foreign Language has announced the schedule of examination sessions for 2023.
Exams of Polish as a foreign language will be held on the following dates for the next levels of language proficiency:
Candidates should contact the centers that organize the exams on these dates. The list of centers (authorized persons) is available on the website: 




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