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How to correctly create a CV (résumé) IN POLISH LANGUAGE

Before you start looking for a job in Poland, you need not only to understand what exactly you want to do but also to write your resume competently. After all, this is both your business card, and a tool by which the employer will evaluate you, and a document that is just incredibly important for life in a new country. Interviews, probation, and hiring will come a little later. It all starts with a resume.

CV or resume?

First, you need to know that there is no word “resume” in Polish. But there is an abbreviation "CV" (Curriculum Vitae), which is translated from Latin as "biography". It is these two cherished letters that you need to write in the subject line of the letter that you send to future employers.

Design and layout

For easy readability of your CV, it is best to have your CV occupy one A4 page, printed on both sides. This is enough to indicate all your skills, show the employer your ability to structure information and allow you to quickly print the file if necessary.
It is best to do CVs in .doc or .pdf formats, you definitely should not send a .pages file format, even if you are a happy owner of a MacBook. Remember, almost all office computers run on Windows. Also, do not experiment with the name for the CV, but limit yourself to your first and last name, for example, Bulat-Okudzawa-CV.doc.
If you have several personal email addresses, it is better to send your resume with one which name does not evoke negative connotations. Yes, many of us have old emails made in grade 10 for fun, but it's better not to use them. Seeking a job is a responsible thing. You can not deny the fact that the CV sent from the email address sexymaniac97@mail.ru will not give you credibility in the eyes of your future employers.

The photo

Despite the fact that the most important thing in any resume is your skills, many employers by inertia look at the attached photo. Besides, it reflects how you position yourself and can show whether you fit in.
If the work is not entirely creative, then the photography must meet generally accepted requirements, here are some of them:

Personal data (Dane personalne)

The personal information column is usually located to the left of the photo and does not require a subheading. It is best to arrange the data in the order in which it is likely to be required:

Education (Wykształcenie)

Write about your education starting with your last place of study. In each place of study, you must indicate:

Dictionary to help:

Work experience (Doświadczenie)

Also, list your work experience in reverse chronological order. Be careful about what to write and what to omit. The same goes for the details of the description. If you have three places of work, where two are not related to the vacancy you are interested in, and one is related, then feel free to indicate the last one, and enter the first 2 from time to time. This will show that you haven't been sitting on the couch all this time. But what if the work in Poland or another country was unofficial? Feel free to indicate!

Additional activities (Działalność dodatkowa)

Your additional activities, which, even if not related to work, will show your active life position. For example, participation in charities, student councils, etc.

Hobbies, interests (Umięjętności)

A desirable but not required column describing your additional skills. For example, how to get a job in Poland in an office without knowledge of MS Word, Outlook, Excel, Powerpoint? We boldly indicate. We indicate cross-stitching and skydiving only if you are applying for the position of an embroidery teacher at a high altitude. Is the hint clear?

Foreign languages (Znajomość języków obcych)

Or simply Języki - your knowledge of foreign and native languages. We enter Polski in the first place, rosyjski / ukrainski in the second, and further down the list. What are the levels of language proficiency in Polish?

Alternatively: use the international classification A / B / C + 1/2 digits. This option is suitable for those who know exactly their level or have completed the appropriate language courses.

Permission to process personal data.At the very end, be sure to give your permission to process personal data, otherwise, your resume will not be considered!

«Wyrażam zgodę na przetwarzanie moich danych osobowych zawartych w ofercie pracy w zakresie niezbędnym do przeprowadzenia rekrutacji (zgodnie z Ustawą o ochronie danych osobowych. Dz. Ust. Nr 133 poz. 833 z dnia 29.08.1997)»

And, of course, at the end of this text, we could not fail to make for you a list of basic words and expressions.
Dane personalne - personal data
Imię/nazwisko - name / surname
Data urodzenia - date of birth
Obywatelstwo - citizenship
Numer telefonu/e-mail - phone number / email
Wykształcenie - education
Specjalizacja - specialization
Kwalifikacja - qualifications
Umiejętności - skills
Praktyki - internships
Wolontariat - volunteering
Szkolenia/kursy - trainings / courses
Doświadczenie - work experience
Zakres obowiązków - job responsibilities
Osiągnięcia - achievements
Zainteresowania - hobbies
Znajowość języków obcych - knowledge of foreign languages

We hope you now know more about how to get a job in Poland or how to write a resume in Poland. Good luck with finding a job!

To make your CVs correct, we invite you to Polish language courses for foreigners.




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