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Obtain Polish residence permit

Learn Polish and get temporary residence permit

Polish residence permit.

Today more and more people choose Poland as a place for life, work or studying. The economy is growing, the country is developing very fast providing its citizens with lots of opportunities for high standards of living. Poland immigration is very easy for people from EU, because they don’t need residence permit (so called «karta pobytu»), just the will to move and start living in a new country is enough. But what are the chances and ways to stay in Poland for those who don’t have European passport?

Basically, there are three main options to legalize your stay in Poland for the period longer than three months:

- work or conducting business activity in the country;

- intention to reunite with your family member, who obtains Polish residence;

- educational purposes.

Language courses as a way to obtain temporary residence in Poland.

If you fulfill one of these criteria, you can apply to the competent Office for Foreigners of the Voivodeship Office with all the necessary documents to obtain temporary Polish residence card. We will talk about the third option, because not many people know, that Language school «Together» not only helps people to learn Polish language, but our yearlong courses allow our students to get temporary residence permit.

Indeed, if you register for one of our programs (important notice: it must be ONLY a yearlong Polish course), our enrollment letter will be the reason to show your intentions to stay in Poland and you will be able to apply for temporary residence card. We think that this is a good option, especially for young people, who are just starting their career and are not experienced enough to find a foreign employer or open their own business in Poland. That’s why our language courses can help – you will have time to learn the language, meet new people, get acquainted with the country and its culture and you won’t have to worry about your stay in Poland.

Find out more about our courses and contact us, if you have any questions left. We’ll be happy to help you. Let’s start a new life in Poland Together!



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