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Together raises prices

Together raises prices

Over the past couple of years, our school has made a powerful leap forward in development. Since 2020, our School has been one of the three leaders of non-public schools accredited by the Mazovian Office of Education. This accreditation is a confirmation of the many years of fruitful work, as well as a guarantor of the quality and professionalism of the teaching staff.
In addition, we are actively working in different directions and are constantly developing. We are expanding our geography, constantly improving the qualifications and quality of our services in order to make your stay in Poland truly enjoyable. In this regard, we have made a decision on some changes in our pricing policy.
So, from December 2022, prices for our services will increase. We announce this in advance, so do not delay the purchase of the coveted courses. Plus, all group courses are now 10% off! Hurry up to please yourself and your loved ones and have time to buy a course at the best price!
See you at Together.



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