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The TELC exam

The school Together has received a license to conduct the TELC exam

In the summer of 2023, new changes in the rules for obtaining a long-term EU resident card came into force in Poland. Now, in addition to the state certificate of knowledge of the Polish language at a level not lower than B1, foreigners can present a certificate of passing the TELC exam.
Рodstawa prawna: Rozporządzenie Ministra Spraw Wewnętrznych i Administracji z dnia 31 maja 2023 r. w sprawie wykazu poświadczeń znajomości języka polskiego potwierdzających znajomość tego języka wymaganą do udzielenia zezwolenia na pobyt rezydenta długoterminowego Unii Europejskiej

Why should you pay attention to this exam?

How is the exam going?

The exam consists of a written and oral part, which, as a rule, take place on the same day. The written part lasts 115 minutes and includes a test of listening, reading, writing and grammar skills. The oral part takes place after a short break. It is given in pairs and includes time for preparation and direct conversation on a given topic. The passage time is 15-20 minutes.
You can test your knowledge by downloading a trial test, which we posted on the link:
Practice test
We invite you to take advantage of this new opportunity and take the TELC exam in the best conditions. After all, Together is not only an official examination center with a license to conduct this test, but also has many years of experience in preparing and conducting the state certification exam.
The cost of the exam is 900 PLN (the price also includes one online consultation with the examiner)
We are waiting for your applications and see you in Together!



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